Quad Safe Australia are Industry Leaders in ATV Safety Training in Australia. Quad Safe delivers Training Programs for all ATV and SSV Operations, in any environment, Australia wide.
Our experienced Trainers ensure the ATV training that you receive precisely covers every detail needed for your riding or workplace application. You simply cannot make a more serious investment in ATV Operator Safety, and it’s all done in one day.
While you might initially be aiming to fulfill your training obligations and ensure your Duty of Care… Quad Safe Australia’s expert knowledge takes it further to create new efficiency within your operations.
It is an unfortunate fact that ATV’s or ‘Quad Bikes’ are a significant contributor to accidents in Rural Australia. Many Operators are not trained, and most of these accidents are caused through lack of knowledge or inappropriate operation. Safety is the key focus in every QuadSafe Course.
QuadSafe know ATV’s inside-out. And we know that the toughest environments in the world demand the strongest skills and capabilities. That’s why we come to you with the latest machines the industry has to offer, to improve the skills of your Operators in your actual workplace.